Online educational resources for children

Lola Pirindola editions, which we have already talked about on occasion, offers a series of free educational resources available on-line from your web. These are resources that work on curricular topics, and you can choose various options for topics and levels.

The resources for early childhood education, from 0 to 6 years old, they offer printable reading-writing, math, vertical and horizontal tracing, identification of quantities, simple operations, graphomotor skills, number tracing, prewriting, coloring of drawings, languages, literacy, prewriting ...

I find it interesting that the tabs can be customized, choosing several options. For example, if we want an educational sheet of the body parts, we can choose to have the model be a boy or a girl, in drawing or in real image, if we want supporting text or not ...

If we want a graphomotor profile, we can choose between lines or curves, if we want linear margins or not and if the drawings are the same or different.

In each file we have several options, so the possibility of creating the resource that suits us is extended.

Besides, the Lola Pirindola website offers advanced resources for professionals and specials, although in this case they are for sale (you can see how they work in demo mode).

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Video: Educational videos : Educational Resources on the Web (July 2024).