Do not like to share? Let's wait for it to grow

It is common to see young children who do not want to leave their favorite toys to other children, or who do not want to share. But, although it is good to say that "leave it for a little while", "now it returns" or "give it a little", do not worry too much about that selfishness, since it is a passing situation.

According to a study recently published in the journal Nature, a the little ones in the house learn to share things from 7 years of age, when they also begin to consider each other with good will.

To reach this point, children have had to learn the principles of justice and equality and they begin to be aware of each other's preferences, something that differentiates the human being from the rest of the species.

The conclusions that show that children begin to share altruistically after the age of 7 came after a sociological experiment with children between 3 and 8 years old carried out by researchers from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.

Between the ages of 7 and 8, children also begin to consider each other willingly to treat their friends as many adults would. Of course, when they do not know the other, they do not care not to be fair or share awards with them ... like many older people too, right?

The study authors suggest that this behavior reflects the community attitude inherited from the human being, which is considered crucial in the evolution of cooperative societies, and it is something that differentiates us for example from chimpanzees, who are always selfish.

Therefore, we can continue to encourage him to share his things, although we will have to wait until he fully understands.

So, as in so many issues when it comes to the development of small, it is matter of patience and leave time and nature to do their job.