Fathers Fathers

The sociologist Isabel Aler has coined the term insumisas mothers who are those mothers who rebel against some of the current and sanitary standards of motherhood in matters of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting.

But who are the fathers parents? Those who refuse to collaborate at home and want to live as single? Are those who believe that changing diapers a merit? Those who take the children to the pediatrician ?.

The sociologist does not talk about these parents, so I will. These there are 23 characteristics (not all mandatory, of course) that can have the parents parents of the official upbringing:

1. They live the pregnancy of their partners with the same joy and intensity. They are pregnant 2. Books, magazines about pregnancy and childbirth are bought. They are reported in detail of this process 3. They voluntarily attend the pre-delivery classes 4. Participate in the baby trousseau purchase and in the decoration of the children's room 5. They collaborate in childbirth how far they are allowed. Childbirth is also for them a moment of great importance in their lives. They accompany and support their partner as much as they can and know 6. They ask to cut the umbilical cord as a ritual of transit to life outside the uterus 7. They are aware of the importance of Breastfeeding and they facilitate it to the maximum, taking care of the mother and taking care of the home so that the mother can feed the baby 8. They do not prevent breastfeeding so that they can feed their child with a bottle. They know they will have a lifetime for this step 9. They are not jealous of their son Because he is on the tit all day. They rationalize that the breasts are not their exclusivity nor are they just a sexual object 10. They ask for paternity leave, leave, half-day, ... not excluding the mother and to the extent possible 11. They understand extreme tiredness of their partners 12. They are sensitive to new or nil sexual needs 13. They get up at night to comfort and care for their children 14. Their arms sometimes hurt from so much cradle and rock to their children to reassure or sleep their children 15. The crying of their children distresses them. They know it expresses a real need 16. They use a backpack / badolera and they carry their children a lot 17. Supplement with heat, love, arms, contact, ... the absence of milk and oxytocin 18. They fall in love with their children even without the love hormone 19. They read parenting books. They know who Carlos González is or another author of loving parenthood 20. They run from work and put their children before the old beers or frequent outings with friends, without giving up these 21. They do not help but actively co-participate of raising their children and not ashamed of it 22. Their parents and the previous generation of men can accuse them of being sensitive or worse 23. They have true paternal instinct because you don't have to give birth to feel it

Maybe seeing all these features together seems utopian, but it isn't, and I'm sure that many of the men who read this blog meet most of them.

In my environment, I see more and more parents involved in raising their children and with more instinct and sensitivity than some women.

If this continues, and considering that the function does the organWho knows if in millennia they will also give birth and breastfeed.

Thank you fathers parents for existing.

Video: Father Saab Full Video. Khasa Aala Chahar. Raj Saini. New Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2019 (July 2024).