New campaign for the prevention of childhood obesity of the Eroski Foundation

Daily we know new data that show how obesity has increased in Spain and that it is especially children who are most affected by the considered epidemic of the 21st century. We can set another new example that allows us to become aware of the serious problem and how easy it would be to correct it.

According to the director of social responsibility of the Eroski Foundation, only in Euskadi, during the last 15 years, the rate of childhood obesity (children aged 6 to 12 years) has tripled from 4% to the current 12.5%.

A new campaign will try to convince everyone about the importance of having a healthy lifestyle in which daily exercise and healthy and balanced eating are contemplated. It is urgent to change the current habits established in society and especially in children, if not, the result in the future would be a larger population with all kinds of health problems. No father worth his salt wants his son to suffer health problems in the future, so involvement is very important, giving an adequate example to the little ones.

The bell Prevention of childhood obesity of the Eroski Foundation It will focus mainly on trying to ensure that children can enjoy products that they reject so far, such as fruits and vegetables. In our opinion, these campaigns, however laudable, never work if parents are not the main drivers. The information to be provided to parents should be treated with more emphasis and the Spanish Ministry of Health should also be involved a little more.

Video: New campaign raises awareness for HIV prevention (May 2024).