Breastfed protest accomplished

Last week we told you that there was going to be a “breastfed protest” at the Vialia shopping center in Malaga due to the censorship that a mother received when breastfeeding her baby. Well, that's how it happened, last Saturday about twenty mothers (we expected more) from different parts of Andalusia, went to the enclosure to breastfeed their babies in front of who needed it.

This gesture it is another claim of breastfeeding, and the moms there were not mistaken in their statements "who sees something dirty, is that it carries dirt in the eyes." Recall the words of the watchman who snapped at the mother's mother expelled from the center for breastfeeding her baby: "I would not let my wife show her parts in public."

The response of all these mothers who have been able to go to the center to show their outrage over what happened to Estela, has satisfied a wide sector that sees in breastfeeding what is, the healthiest for the development of the baby. It is grateful for the work that has been carried out through the internet, where websites, forums or blogs of associations for breastfeeding, we present this news by mobilizing whoever is possible in defense of something natural from the Creation of man, food.

We do not know if it can be machismo, the arrogance of some men or even misogyny, which leads many men to veto that a baby be fed "in public", can they not see it because they feel inferior?

Video: Dozens protest police brutality (July 2024).