World Day of the Fight against Malaria

Millions of human beings become ill every year from malaria, of these up to 3 million die and about 3.2 billion people are at risk of suffering from this disease worldwide. Of course, the letter of introduction of Malaria is quite noticeable to be seriously present and act against it.

Unfortunately, it is the weakest people who have the highest risk of suffering from the disease, Future moms and children under 5 are the most direct targets of malaria. The figures are really shocking, according to UNICEF reports, every 30 seconds a child dies from malaria and these deaths usually occur mostly in the African continent. This disease is emerging as one of the leading causes of death, in fact, up to 20% of the deaths of children who have not reached 5 years of age are caused by malaria. Each time a campaign to combat it is carried out and the appropriate means are available to prevent it, the incidence is reduced, but it always appears again giving the impression that it is more virulent. In the South American continent it is also one of the most frequent causes that affect the population and especially children.

In the German publication Dw-World we briefly detail the incidence by countries, the problems facing The European Alliance against Malaria, a union of ten organizations belonging to five countries whose main premise is to decisively promote the fight against this disease. It is necessary to know the problems to understand them and, as far as possible, contribute to alleviate them.

For now, to commemorate this day, the funds to fight the most important diseases that seriously affect the population, tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria will be increased by 100 million euros.

There are so many calamities that hang over the children of the most disadvantaged countries, that sometimes, the help provided is somewhat fruitless, is it because aid is actually rather scarce?

Video: GO Fight Against Malaria (July 2024).