The body weight and physical activity of the future mother, condition the newborn

According to some experts, women who perform some type of physical activity being already thin would lead to their future children being born with less weight and would be thinner. On the contrary, women who had a relatively high percentage of body fat would have a heavier child. Although we could deduce something like that, these are some of the conclusions of a study that experts from the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom have prepared.

The constitution that the baby will present during his childhood and his adult state can be known by analyzing the excess amounts of fat in the mother and in the babyIt would be like knowing if the baby will be obese when he grows up. This is one of the reasons why researchers indicate that it would be interesting to plan the pregnancy to acquire a healthy state and weight before becoming pregnant, then it would be a matter of maintaining the same tonic during pregnancy. This would cause the future baby to have a healthy and adequate constitution. In the study prepared, data on food, habits and lifestyle of 448 women were taken before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy. Similarly, data were taken of the babies when they were born. Finally say that these researchers and doctors advise that pregnant women who have a normal weight, suffer an increase in weight during pregnancy between 11 and 16 kilos and those who are overweight, increase between 6.80 and 11 kilos.

A healthy lifestyle offers greater benefits to the future baby, it depends on future moms. The study has been published in the digital medical journal Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Video: Best Exercises to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy - Sara Haley (July 2024).