Soap ingestion poisoning

All children like to put objects in their mouths; For them it is a natural way to know and explore the world around them. For this reason, we must be very careful.

The bathroom is one of the places in the house where we must pay special attention, because there we store many products that can be toxic to our children: medicines, toothpastes, shampoo, soap and other products often used, such as creams or cosmetics

The poisoning caused by soap ingestion It is quite frequent. Although most bar soaps and liquid shampoos are considered relatively non-toxic, their consumption determines risks.

If you find your child with soap foam in his mouth or an open or empty shampoo bottle, he may have been poisoned. Keep calm and act immediately. First, remove the container or soap residue. If the child is of age, make him spit. Do not try to remove the remains with your fingers because you can hurt it. Keep the remains of the toxic (including the container) or some other evidence that can determine how much you have ingested and what type.

Then, and while calling the emergency service, be alert if the following symptoms occur: nausea, vomiting or the indication of local redness or irritation. Do not make your child vomit, as this can cause more damage.

Even if your child does not have any of the above symptoms, call the pediatrician or the emergency number. You should have the following information on hand: your child's age, weight and medical condition; the name of the product that i // / 2005/11/15-what-to-do-before-an-intoxica.phpnggió and, if known, its components and potency (all this information is in container label); the time you took the soap or when you found it and the approximate amount; If your child is taking or taking any medication, you should give all the information on the label, including the name of the active substance.

The doctor will tell you if it is necessary to take the child to the health center. There, specialists will treat your child's symptoms. Usually, recovery is achieved.