Main micronutrient of breast milk: how they benefit the baby and how we can ensure its correct contribution

Everybody we must always take care of our food, but there are stages like pregnancy or breastfeeding, where it becomes more necessary if you can have a healthy diet, especially in times of such heat.

Breast milk is the best food you can give your baby, and although it is proven that all women have good, nutritious milk for their children, the mother's diet influences the quality of her milk and the micronutrient content. We explain it to you in detail!

Most prominent micronutrients in breast milk

The type of vitamins and minerals that breast milk contains are very varied, ranging from substances such as copper, fluoride, iodine or selenium, to vitamins such as A, C, D, E and K and vitamins of group B.

All these micronutrients are indispensable for the proper functioning of all human body systems, from the brain function until bone growth.

Next, we analyze in detail some of the most outstanding micronutrients present in breast milk and what they provide to the baby:

  • Vitamin A It is important for eyesight and bone growth. Protects the baby from infections and promotes the growth and health of the cells.

  • Vitamin C helps create and strengthen red blood cells, bones and tissues; Strengthens the immune system and prevents infections.

  • Vitamin D It helps the body absorb minerals such as calcium and strengthens teeth, bones and the immune system.

According to experts, breastfeeding babies they should ingest 400 IU of vitamin D every day, and a part of it will be obtained through breast milk (the rest through supplementation and sun exposure).

  • Vitamin E minimizes the production of free radicals that damage cells. Strengthens the immune system, DNA repair and metabolic processes.

  • He iron helps the production of blood cells by the baby. The concentration of iron in breast milk is low, but is usually sufficient to meet the needs of the newborn, even if the mother has low levels.

For this reason, it is not necessary to supplement breast milk with iron supplements for the baby, although it is recommended to introduce foods rich in iron when the baby begins to take complementary feeding.

  • Magnesium helps keep bones strong and regulate heart rate. In addition, it favors the immune system and the proper functioning of nerves and muscles.

  • Potassium: helps the balance of water in the body, important for the maintenance of blood pressure, along with sodium. Potassium also favors the functioning of the muscles and the rhythm of the heart.

  • Zinc: It is necessary for more than 70 enzymes that help with digestion and metabolism. It is also essential for growth.

  • Iodine: It is a very important mineral for the body, and essential for the proper functioning of thyroid hormones. During breastfeeding it becomes even more relevant because the iodine the baby receives through breast milk is dependent on the amount the mother receives.

Maternal diet and multivitamins

As we mentioned at the beginning, although it is always important to ensure our diet, there are two very important moments in the life of women where we must put more effort, if possible, to take care of our diet: pregnancy and lactation.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet while breastfeeding, and staying properly hydrated is very important for both you and your baby.

In general, and unless the doctor tells us otherwise, vitamin supplements during breastfeeding are not necessary, as long as we have a correct and varied diet.

But nevertheless, in the case of iodine we must make an exceptionWell, although WHO considers that Spain is not a country at risk of iodine deficit, in practice it has been seen that there are many children with low levels, and this affects their psychomotor and intellectual development.

For this reason, based on available studies, sand recommends that women take an iodine supplement throughout breastfeeding. The Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics states that such supplementation would be as follows:

"Iodine needs in the nursing woman are estimated at 250-300 µg / day. Since salt consumption may be reduced in that period (iodized salt is the recommended source of iodine for everyone), a supplement of 200 µg of iodine per day in the form of potassium iodide, during the period of breastfeeding, whether a single child is breastfed or if they are twins or siblings (breastfeeding in tandem) ".

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Video: Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition The Thousand Day Window of Opportunity (July 2024).