Set an example for children with healthy eating habits

That children have adequate nutritional education has a lot to do with the role parents play, according to a study by British experts, preferences towards certain foods in adults, depend on the experience lived with them in childhood.

The experts of the University of Wales (United Kingdom), ensure that a good nutritional education begins in children from 18 months of age and that it is not good to force them or reward them with food. The best thing is that the child takes the parents as a reference on a day-to-day basis and observing what they do, which demonstrates that for children to have a healthy and balanced diet, we must start with ourselves. Some time ago we were talking about neophobia and its consequences, it is known that many children suffer from neophobia and that it is basically a survival mechanism. We can aggravate it if we force the child to eat new foods, in the link the effects and consequences of it are shown in more detail.

We are the example to follow for the child, but not only with the eating behavior, any action of ours is a reason for learning for him, therefore, our behavior must be exemplary in all aspects, in this way we will get the child to adopt the good customs that will impact your life.

Video: How to Create a Healthy Plate (July 2024).