Diary of my pregnancy: The first trimester

Due to my new and happy state, the editors of Bebes and more we decided to create this Diary of my pregnancy It will consist of several deliveries and share my experiences as a future mom over the months. This is the first delivery:

“This time I did not have to pray month after month with my eyes fixed on the windows of test results. It was clear, fast and at first: positive. The second baby is coming, the family is enlarged, just.

It will have been because of the unexpected rapidity, perhaps because of the fact of being the second or the history of a spontaneous abortion, my husband and I took the news very calmly but with much happiness, of course.

Confirmation with the first ultrasound arrived at the 8th week. It's amazing how a small 12-millimeter spot with a tiny dot beating in the center can wake you up so much emotion. I found it a lie that it is minimal to be already in human form and growing within me second to second. I think that will not cease to surprise me, be it the first, the second or the fifth (although I have no plans to reach that much).

A month, in week 12 I could see it again, of course, bigger and very moving. There was a perfect little body with little hands and little arms that kept bouncing and moving. So much so that it was almost impossible for the doctor to measure it. It already had 5 cm and a great vitality.

The first quarter is undoubtedly a mixture of happiness, illusion and insecurity combined with the typical discomforts, nausea, tiredness and other inevitable discomforts.

Already in week 14 I feel calmer and I feel that I begin to enjoy my pregnancy together with my family: my husband and my 7 year old daughter who, although she does not understand much of what it is, already touches her belly and kisses her .

Now I wait for the moment when the happy nausea disappears and I start to feel the baby moving inside of me. It's a feeling that I miss and that I love, I guess because it gives me security and at the same time because it's our first contact. "

Video: Pregnancy Fitness and Food: You Dont Need to Eat for Two. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).