Danger of accidental ingestion of a battery or magnet

Although these situations are not very frequent, it is a topic of interest and we have to be alert.

Children take everything, fiddle it and even put it in their mouths, and there are things that can cause our little ones great ills, such as swallow a button cell or magnet of his toys.

If the child accidentally swallows a button cell, he can perforate the intestine, since the element that covers these batteries disappears with the contact of gastric acid, and with a chemical process can cause damage to the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

There are many board games or construction that are small in size and carry a magnet, if the little one swallows one, we will not realize unless he tells us or is enticing. If you swallow more than one magnet at the same time, you may be able to expel it with the feces, but if you swallow them at different times, one magnet will remain in one area of ​​the intestine and the other in another, being able to attract in the abdomen and pierce the intestinal handles with the consequence of possible peritonitis, intestinal perforation or compression necrosis.

As parents, we must take care of all the details when buying toys, and as far as possible, keep track of their movements.

If you detect that your baby has ingested any part that may be toxic, go immediately to the nearest health center.

Video: The Dangers of Button Batteries (July 2024).