When to consult the ophthalmologist?

From birth, the baby is able to distinguish the face of their parents and respond to their gestures. Although his vision has not yet been completed, his development occurs mainly during the first year to conclude from 4 to 6.

It is necessary to monitor, from the same birth and especially during the first year of your child's life, the existence of visual problems. Although certain anomalies lead us to consult a specialist, others are more difficult to detect.

Observing your baby's vision yourself, and keeping an eye on the observations that grandparents or educators can make, Consult the ophthalmologist if you notice any of the signs that we tell you below. You should consult a pediatric ophthalmologist if:

  • You can't catch your baby's eyes or if he doesn't dare to see you.
  • Your eyes or notes that light bother you are red.
  • He rubs his eyes systematically or puts his hands in front of them.
  • It presents strange movements of the eyes and head.
  • His eyes are not parallel at three months.
  • You appreciate an abnormal reflex in the center of the eye or have any doubts about its transparency.
  • After one year, one pupil is larger than the other or the white of the eye (the scleras) has a bluish appearance.
  • Do not open and close the eyelids at once or one of your eyelids is more droopy.
  • An eye cries or is infected frequently.
  • Its motor development does not progress properly.

Before six months you should take your baby to a visual check even when you do not perceive any special warning sign, provided that:

  • Be premature
  • Need respiratory help with oxygen.
  • Have suffered fetal distress during childbirth.
  • You, your baby's father or siblings have vision problems.

Video: What's The Difference Between Opticians, Optometrists And Ophthalmologists? (July 2024).