What to do when you hit your teeth

A good scare will take you if your son hits his teeth! They are usually very shocking accidents because the mouth bleeds a lot. But if we act on time, the risk of subsequent complications decreases, so it is good to know what we should do in this situation.

The trauma to children's teeth They are quite frequent, because of the great activity they do, being very common in children who are starting to walk, who lose stability by hitting their mouths with the floor, with a table or a piece of furniture.

The first thing to do is clean the mouth with water or physiological serum to clear the blood and see the severity of the blow. The blows on the baby teeth directly affect the permanent teeth that are forming inside the bone. They can alter their shape, color or the direction in which they will come out. If the blow has been so strong that the tooth of the gum has come off, the milk tooth does not relocate, so we will have to wait for the final one to come out. On the other hand, if a permanent tooth is fractured, keep the piece in physiological serum, milk or water and go urgently to the dentist. They may be able to adhere it again. If the final tooth has come out completely and you have courage, try to reintroduce it in its usual position; but, keep the tooth as I said before (you can even keep it in your own mouth, please do not swallow it) and do not waste a minute to take the child and the tooth to the dentist.

Likewise, before a blow to the teeth it is convenient to go to the dentist even if you do not see anything alarming. If an early treatment is applied you will avoid problems in the future.

Video: Dentist says DO NOT CROWN YOUR TEETH! - Proves it with a Clinical example! (July 2024).