The gynecologist who attended a delivery dressed as Joker on Halloween night

It's a crazy story that took place last Halloween when Brittany Selph, a mother from Tennessee who went into labor a few days earlier than expected (expected on November 5). Upon arrival at the hospital, she was prepared for childbirth and called the gynecologist who would attend the birth of her baby.

As it was on Halloween, Dr. Paul Locus, an obstetrician at the Henry County Medical Center had come out to celebrate with his family disguised as a joker. Just as he was, when he was called he went to the hospital urgently. The parents found it funny and asked him to stay as he was. Would you also have let the gynecologist assist you in the delivery dressed in Joker?

"My wife, being an open-minded woman with a sense of humor, thought it would be funny to have such an original birth," the husband confessed.

As Brittany's baby was in no hurry to reach the world, after evaluating her, Dr. Locus decided to go home to continue the Halloween celebration, take off her costume and come back later. But the parents asked him that in no way, that he came back dressed and made up as he was.

The doctor also helped the two older children of the couple be born, but the difference with his brothers is that the first thing she saw at birth little Oaklyn was the face of the Joker.

Then they joked and took pictures together. What none expected was that the crazy story would go viral. Babies and more contacted Justin Selph, the children's father, who gave us permission to share the photos and confessed that they are all amazed that the curious birth of their daughter Oaklyn has gone around the world.

Photos | Justin Selph Reproduced with permission
Via | People
In Babies and more | When duty calls: a midwife interrupts her appointment in the aesthetic to attend a delivery, the obstetrician who dances with the mothers during labor to help their babies be born

Video: Doctor Delivered Baby on Halloween Dressed as The Joker (July 2024).