A 58-year-old woman gives birth to twins in Mexico

It is increasingly common to read cases of women who become mothers at advanced ages. And this we can see so much in the news, that we have reached the point that having children after the age of 50 no longer surprises anyone.

The most recent case has been that of a 58-year-old Mexican mother who gave birth to a pair of twins, A boy and a girl.

The mother, who asked that her name not be disclosed, became pregnant thanks to an assisted reproduction technique that was performed in a private hospital.

Because of his age, He spent the last month of his pregnancy in the hospital, where it was attended and monitored by a group of specialists in gynecology, obstetrics, perinatology and pediatrics, until it was necessary to perform a cesarean section.

The babies were born without complications in week 33 of gestation. The girl weighed 960 grams and the boy 860 grams, so they stayed for three weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

The mother and her two children have already been discharged and will continue to attend medical appointments and periodic check-ups to ensure that no problems develop.

When we see cases like this, we always have a question: Will age be an impediment to care for babies as they need it? Some people have seen it as an act of selfishness, while others defend their desire to be a mother, be as old as they are.

Video: 55 Year Old Gives Birth To Triplets. Strange Pregnancies Documentary. Real Families (July 2024).