It still happens: caesarean sections are induced and programmed to prevent them from falling into a holiday or weekend

According to the logic, if a graph were made with the number of births of each day of the year, what would come out is that, more or less, every day there is a similar number. Certain trends would be seen in terms of months (nine months after Iniesta scored the goal of the Champions semifinal against Chelsea there was a 50% increase in the number of deliveries in Barcelona), but very few differences within the same month, for example.

But nevertheless, The Birth is Ours has published a very revealing report, titled "Born in Labor Hours", which shows a reality that has been going on for a long time and that keeps repeating itself: Caesarean sections are still induced and programmed to prevent some births from falling into holidays.

How easy to guess what the holidays are

If you look at this graph that shows the number of births on each day of the year between 1975 and 2010, in the Community of Madrid, you will see how easy it is to guess what the holidays are. Moreover, you can see even what are the two days we consider most important throughout the year: the January 1 and the December 25th, which are blank because the number of births those days must be very low.

Holidays? Well, you know, January 6 which is the day of Kings, March 19 which is Father's Day, May 1 than Labor Day, May 2 which is a holiday in Madrid, May 15 which is San Isidro, August 15, Virgen de la Paloma, October 12, Hispanic Day, November 1, which is Todos los Santos, on November 9 which is a holiday in Madrid, on December 6 and 8, days of the Constitution and of the Immaculate Conception, December 24, Christmas Eve, and December 31, New Year.

In the last 35 years, in those days there have been many fewer births than in the other days for two possible reasons: one, that babies did not want to be born those days, which is unlikely, or two, that someone didn't want those days born, which seems more likely.

And what problem is there?

Almost six years ago, when the government announced that as of January 1, 2011, mothers would stop receiving the 2,500 euros of the baby check, there was a stir because many women tried to give birth to their baby before 00:00 that day in order to be able to perceive the help.

There was, because even in the news they came out explaining that it was a practice advised against, that it was not appropriate to induce labor early and that the ideal was that the babies were born when they were prepared, and not before to receive a help.

The truth is that they were right, the gynecologists who refused to enter this game did it correctly. However, he was surprised that they were so alarmed about it, when this had been done for many years to avoid holidays (as you can see in the graph), and nobody seemed to be fighting much against this practice.

The case is that we say that the ideal is that each woman gives birth when she is prepared for it, and not when it goes well according to calendar, because although the weeks of gestation give a lot of information, the ideal is not that someone other than the baby Decide when it's a good time to be born.

It is often said that from week 37 a baby is born at term, however, it is explained in this way when it is the baby who decides to be born from that week. Why term is also a baby born in week 42, for example, and the difference between one baby and another is more than a month inside the uterus. Thus, if it coincides that a baby was going to be born in week 39 and birth is scheduled for 38 there is not much difference, but if the baby would have been born in 42 and an induction is performed in week 38 or 39, it is being born too soon.

In fact, there are studies that show that for a baby, being born a little earlier can be a problem. In 2010, a study that analyzed no less than 407,503 Scottish children of school age concluded that being born in weeks 37 to 39 doubles the risk of a child having learning problems. The conclusion of the study was as follows:

Scheduled births or caesarean sections should be done in week 40 because even a baby born in week 39 has a higher risk of having special educational needs than a baby born a week later.

But this is only if we focus on learning. If we look at other issues like general maturation of the baby (organs, sight, hearing, etc.), or that the fact of being in more time makes possible greater weight gain and, consequently, being born with more force and with less problems to feed and to maintain body temperature, we should say that every day of a baby in the womb is very valuable.

In addition, in inductions, since they are not births that originate spontaneously, the risk of instrumentalization is higher. Let's say that, when provoked, there is a greater risk of ending up using instruments such as the suction cup or forceps, and in turn, more risk of having a caesarean section.

Therefore, WHO is clear about this when it recalls that:

No geographic region should have an index of induced labor greater than 10%. Induction of labor should be limited to certain medical indications.

In Spain we are almost doubling that rate, which is 19.4%. Similarly, we are also doubling the cesarean section rate, as WHO recommends that it be performed in no more than 10-15% of deliveries, and we are in about 25%.

On weekends, too

It is very curious to also see this graph that shows the deliveries that occurred in a year. Again, just by looking at it we can know perfectly what days were Saturday and what days were Sunday. And when you explain, that in hospitals there are fewer children on the weekend, there are those who tell you that it is logical, because on the weekend there are less staff and that, in case of complications, there may be more problems.

However, complications can also be derived from inductions and caesarean sections, so the same thing that should be achieved is, as they suggest from El Parto es Nuestro, that on weekends there would also be enough staff to be born and give birth as surely as during the week. Basically because babies have no calendar to decide when to come to the world.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | They recommend an induction, he refuses and the police take her from his home to cause him to be delivered to the hospital, being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42, letting the baby decide when to be born

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