How to enjoy the pool with children and without risks?

The pool season has already opened for many. And with it, there is also the shocking news of childhood deaths from drowning, which are repeated every year. That is why it should be remembered that the pool is a place that can be fabulous if we take certain precautions, but that entails dangers to which we must be attentive. So, we and our children can enjoy the pool safely.

There are certain tips that we should not forget, starting with the continuous vigilance of our children. It takes very few seconds for a little to drown, so we cannot neglect. Recall that inflatable sleeves and floats are not recommended, better to use homologated vests. In addition, when they grow up we have to educate them about the risk behaviors that they should avoid.

They must never enter the pool without surveillance, nor run along the edge of the pool, as it is very dangerous. The games must be without running or pushing or throwing other children into the water, or of course making “chokes”. If the pool is covered with a tarp, you should never try to get in and inside the water it is very dangerous to pull the grilles that cover the drains.

Swimming learning It is also recommended so that, finally, children can bathe safely (and also adults, of course!). But how can we explain to children the safety measures in the pool?

Tips for children

We want to share this video that summarizes some safety measures for the children, addressed to them, with Pixel Art drawings. It is a campaign of Child safety in the children's pool carried out as for some years by Abrisud, a company of covers for swimming pools. These are the tips for the kids:

  • Never bathe alone in the pool, you have to wait for your parents or an older person to be with you.
  • Until you learn to swim very well, you always have to put on your sleeves or your inflatable vest before entering the pool (remember that the sleeves, better polystyrene).
  • Be careful when you play or run near the curbs, slides or stairs, they are very slippery and you can fall.
  • Always enter the pool slowly and get wet a little before diving, if not, you can have a sudden temperature change and your gut will hurt a lot.
  • Don't throw your head In the less deep part of the pool, you can hit your head hard and hurt yourself.
  • Wear a cap, glasses and sunscreen to prevent burning.
  • Never forget to collect the toys that have been left in the water, before leaving. If your friends jump to play with them, they may have an accident.
  • If you see that a child is harmed, go quickly to find an older person to help you.
  • Learn to swim well, like a champion. It is the best way to enjoy the pool safely.
  • The fences or pool covers are to prevent you from harming yourself. Do not open them without your parents' permission.

Video: Is swallowing pool-pee bad for your health? (May 2024).