Unicef ​​campaign to promote breastfeeding in Mexico, a country with very low rates

Mexico is one of the 20 countries in the world that least practices breastfeeding. Rates have not stopped falling in recent years, standing at 14 percent in 2012, something that has already been noticed. That's why UNICEF is putting all its effort into encourage breastfeeding and get more women to breastfeed their babies from birth.

The video we see above is part of a campaign starring Mamá Gallina in collaboration with Unicef which highlights the benefits of breastfeeding.

Many of our readers are from that country, so we wanted to share with you this informative video to highlight all the good things that breastfeeding can bring to both the newborn and the mother.

All are benefits. It's free, it's always warm and ready to drink and above all, it's the best for your baby. It acts as a shield against diseases, improves intestinal flora and promotes brain development, among other benefits, in addition, of course, the emotional connection that is established between the two when breastfeeding your baby.

If you are pregnant, do not forget to inform you about how to breastfeed your baby from the first hour of life, a very valuable time to start breastfeeding with a good foot.

Video: Mexico bans free baby formula in bid to boost low breastfeeding rates (May 2024).