For mothers who stay awake in those early mornings that seem eternal

Being a mother is not always easy. Although it is certainly a wonderful experience and like no other, motherhood has stages and moments that can be very hard. An example of this, are those first months after the arrival of the baby, in which we must adjust to a new rhythm of life, in which the rest shines by its absence.

For this reason, and because I remember how long and difficult these sleepless nights can become during the baby's first year, I want dedicate a few words to mothers who stay awake in those early mornings that seem eternal.

For mom, on those sleepless nights

What time is it? Maybe it's better not to see. I don't know what time you read this. Perhaps You're in the middle of the night, with your baby in your arms. Or maybe you're waking up from those few hours you could sleep after one more sleeplessness.

Whatever the time, or when you read these words, I want you to know that They are written with all the admiration and respect that mothers deserve, at all stages of his motherhood, but today particularly, at that stage characterized by many awakenings during the night.

In Babies and more To the neighbor in front, the one who sleeps the child between tits and arms

I was once in your place, several years ago. Enough to start looking like a distant dream, but somehow those thoughts and feelings that I lived during those long nights are still present in my memory in which my daughter constantly woke up.

I remember how exhausted I felt, and how difficult it was getting more and more getting up at dawn Hearing that my baby needed me. "Will I ever go back to sleep a full night or at least more than three or four hours?"was one of the recurring questions in my head.

I also remember a lot, having felt that Motherhood was harder than I imagined, and what they had told me. And if something can affect us a lot, both physically and emotionally, it is the lack of rest.

They say that after birth, the return to normal begins, but I think that there is no such thing as "normalcy" after becoming a mother. Now you still live by day, but you also do it at night, trying to rest when you have the opportunity to do so.

I know that rest is what you most need right now. It is probably one of the things you crave most, especially when you are in the middle of the night, with your baby in your arms and feel how your body weighs you and do everything possible not to close your eyes.

You are not alone. We have all passed by, and we secretly wished (and with a little regret after thinking about it) that our babies quickly finish this stage and begin to sleep all night. Probably at this moment you feel that these months without sleep have no end, but I promise you that they will soon have it.

Be strong, mom. But also, remember to ask for help. Feeling tired is normal, feeling that you can't no more. When you least expect it, those sleepless nights and routines that seem to have no feet or head will begin to be less frequent, and as time goes by, your baby will stop needing you as much as he does now.

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Of course, the nightly sleeplessness will not disappear completely as soon as the baby stage is over. There will be special situations in which they continue to occur and seek refuge in our arms. But you must keep in mind, that time flies and in a matter of time, Your baby's postpartum and first year will stop being your reality and will become a memory, as has happened to me.

Try to enjoy your baby now that he is small, because this stage, although difficult, will never happen again. Now those early mornings when you stay awake may seem eternal, but remember that you are not aloneAnd like you, there are thousands of moms accompanying their children every night, and you are giving your baby the best you can offer: time and love. You're doing it right.

Video: Hypnosis to Let Go of Negative Attachments & Rebuild Confidence Sleep Meditation Healing (July 2024).