Crouch down and duck again

A few days ago I retired some Texans that I bought last year because of the broken knee area. I was surprised that they lasted so shortly, although I soon found the reasons: first, that I liked them and that's why I used them often, second, that the fashion of wearing the somewhat worn pants makes you, indeed, wear like new pants that are already worn and third, that It's not hard to see myself kneeling when I'm with my children.

While remembering these three reasons I arrived at the beginning of this act and I realized that one of the people who instilled in me, in the first instance, bending over to communicate and play with the babies was the Supernanny (although I think I would do it equally).

It seems a lie, but it is true. On TV3 (regional television in Catalonia) they have been broadcasting the English Supernanny program (Jo Frost) for years and I saw it several times before even having children. Many of his recommendations I like little or nothing, because they are a short-term benefit, but a likely long-term inconvenience, but among them I stayed with one that I loved: crouch down and duck again.

Looking in the eyes to talk

The best way to get the attention of an interlocutor and show him while you're listening to him is looking him in the eye. In addition, it is the most respectful, because you show contact and give importance to the words of the other (so talking to someone who does not look at you or who wears sunglasses bothers us, because we do not see their eyes and do not see what they express) .

With children, communication works exactly the same. All children are grateful that you are at their level when it comes to speaking to you and that you do so, especially when listening to them. They understand that you are paying attention to them, giving them the opportunity to express themselves and, more importantly, what they have to tell you matters to you.

In the same way, as we almost always talk on our feet, what they perceive at the moment we bend down, look them in the eye and talk to them is that what we are going to tell them is not trivial, but we want them to hear it, either because it is something important that they should know, either because we want to express a feeling to them (that we love them very much, for example, or that we are angry about something, perhaps).

Get down to play with them

Many parents they don't spend too much time with their children because they really don't know what to play with them. They look for other tasks that keep them busy or attend to their children only when they call them (and sometimes not even that), without finding that connection point where parents and children enjoy time together.

In these cases the recommendation is simple: crouch down to play with them. Sit by his side, become a spectator and play when your child makes you participate. Children do not need a game monitor or a guide to teach them to play, because they already know how to play. In fact they have a creativity many times superior to ours and when we choose games we limit them in a certain way. What they need is that you be there and not just when they call you, but also (and above all) when they are playing quietly in your room. So you show them that you want to spend time with them, that you like to share games, listen to them, talk and ultimately that They are important people in our lives.

Definitely, crouch down and duck again It is a “technique” (between quotation marks because it is nothing more than a way of doing things) that brings us closer to the world of children, their lives and their environment, basically, because we put ourselves at their visual height and enter fully into Your playground.

Video: this Minecraft update changes everything. . again. (July 2024).