A good idea: make a nativity scene with the children

By these dates we take care of decorating the home with Christmas motifs. There are many ornaments that we can make as a family with our own hands, encouraging participation and creativity. A good idea is to make a nativity scene with the children.

The one you see we have done at home, my girls and I. We have made the figures with modeling paste that hardens in the air (Jovi brand) and then we have painted them with colored tempera. We have bought the portal, but it can also be done with cardboard boxes or cork sheets and decorate it with moss, stones, pine bark, etc.

To paint it, just have some base color cans to mix them and create new colors. Combining them is one of the funniest parts of the activity.

We had a great time. It has taken us an afternoon to shape the shapes, we have let them dry and the next day we have painted them. You can be inspired by Nativity scenes that you can find on the internet or in drawings. I love the handmade Nativity scenes of Alicia Torres, mother of our Armando, and I have noticed her childlike figures. Although the result is different from the original, it is very helpful to have a model to be inspired.

If you like crafts, I recommend make a nativity scene with the children. It is a creative activity that promotes teamwork and we teach them that it is not necessary to buy everything, but we can also do it with our own hands.