Birth defects, the leading cause of infant mortality in the US UU.

According to a study prepared by scientists belonging to the University of Arkansas (United States), the main cause of infant mortality in that country are birth defects, such as pulmonary valve stenosis, (a disease in which the blood flow that comes from the right ventricle of the heart is blocked at the height of the valve that separates the heart from the pulmonary artery, the pulmonary valve), overcoming any illness related to a premature baby or possible heart problems.

One of the most common causes in pulmonary stenosis is the narrowing of the pulmonary valve when the fetus is developing, the factor that triggers this defect is not known, but it is known that this is one of the reasons why they are hospitalized more newborns in the mentioned country. In the study, the data provided by newborns from 2003 who were not yet 10 days old were taken as a reference. It is estimated that currently up to 4% of newborns have some type of defect.

It is really a serious problem in which many scientists try to reveal the triggers of these malformations, however, numerous studies will be necessary to be able to reveal and minimize this type of problems in the development of future babies.

Video: Who delivered your baby? Ashley Greenwald Tragash. TEDxUniversityofNevada (July 2024).