She gave birth to her third daughter at age 62 and becomes one of the oldest European mothers

Lina Alvarez, a 62-year-old Galician doctor who we told you last month was pregnant, gave birth at the Lucus Augusti University Hospital in Lugo To a girl which bears the same name as her and her grandmother, becoming one of the oldest European mothers.

The news generated debate due to the advanced age of the mother, who despite having overcome menopause 20 years ago, found a gynecologist in Madrid who agreed to perform in vitro fertilization by previously subjecting her to a series of medical tests to check if the Pregnancy could be viable.

Cesarean section

She commented that she felt happy and that during pregnancy she was perfectly at all times, even "better than when she was not pregnant." But the doctors considered that the most convenient thing was to perform a scheduled C-section to "avoid risks" associated with age.

Remember that advanced maternal age It is a risk factor for genetic alterations in the baby, as well as complications in pregnancy and childbirth, such as fetal distress, placental abruption or amniotic fluid embolism, among others.

But fortunately it was not the case. There were no complications in childbirth and the little girl was born with just under two and a half kilos, according to La Voz de Galicia. Throughout the day he took his first bottles and, as incredible as it may seem to moms, his mother's chest.

Fertility treatment after 60

The story of Lina Álvarez is very peculiar. She has a 27-year-old son with cerebral palsy because, according to her, her brain was damaged by having an amniocentesis.

At 52, she wanted to be a mother again and underwent fertility treatment to have her second child, and 10 years later, with 62, he did it again to have his third daughter.

In Spain, the assisted reproduction law does not impose an age restriction to be a mother, but the Spanish Fertility Society advise against pregnancy after age 50 because of the high risk involved, both for the mother and the baby.

Even so, there are doctors who, after carrying out the relevant tests and checking the good condition of the mother, agree to perform an invitro fertilization past the 50's barrier, as has happened in this case with a gynecologist from Madrid.

No one is surprised to see 50 parents, but without a doubt, about this woman, become mother at 62 years standing on the podium of the oldest mothers in the world, yes that leaves us surprised.

Other elderly mothers in the world

The oldest mother in the munco registered so far is an Indian woman, Rajo Devi Lohan, who was a first-time mother at age 70 thanks to in vitro fertilization treatment after 46 years of marriage without being able to conceive

One of the most popular cases in Europe was that of the Cádiz María del Carmen Bousada, a woman who gave birth to twins at 67 and died three years later, complying with the prognosis of what many think: what will it be of children when the mother is missing?

There are few European mothers who exceed Lina in age. We met last year the case of a 65-year-old German woman pregnant with quadruplets and in 2005 the case of a Romanian woman who gave birth at 66, although we do not know if she is still alive.