Pamper yourself and you will pamper it

We know that when we have our baby in front of us, it is easier to make him smile, caress him and to perceive the love and love we process him, feed him with what he needs. But all this we can do from the moment it is in our womb.

It is inevitable, when we are in a state, to touch our guts, it is an instinct that makes us approach our baby. And he will soon recognize the contact of our hand and the contact of his dad's hand, many babies love that contact and lean on the gut as if they wanted a massage, while we

The exercise we do also benefits our baby, because by moving we release the hormones of well-being, the endorphins, which pass through the placenta. In addition to moving the baby sways in the amniotic fluid, and by contracting the abdominal muscles it provides a small massage. It has happened to many mothers that, while pregnant, we have craved sweets much more, which our baby also loves, feels preference for the sweet taste, and when we ingest it, the amniotic fluid is impregnated with that taste, just like when we take our favorite dish, especially if it is of intense flavor. When you are born you can also taste some of your food through breast milk, so you prefer flavors to which you are already accustomed.Put your headphones on your gut? Of course, there is research that shows that the music he has heard while in your womb will recognize it when he is born, being able to calm him and relax him when he hears it, just like your voice. Do not stop talking to him when he is inside you, our baby can distinguish our voice from that of others and his heart rate slows down and he feels calmer when he hears us.

Having sex during pregnancy will also provide well-being, especially when you reach orgasm, our physical and mental state will be transmitted to our baby.

And what is also very important, is to be relaxed in pregnancy, although it is normal to have moments of stress, it is advisable to keep in a quiet state. Some studies suggest that stressed mothers have smaller babies and are prone to hyperactivity, but on the contrary, we will be helping them develop and may be calmer when they are born.

So, during pregnancy, enjoy what you like and be happy, pamper yourself and you will pamper it, your baby perceives it and you will make him happy from his first days.

Video: My Pamper Routine! I Need A ME Day (July 2024).