Two beautiful breastfeeding photos with a lot of message that Facebook no longer censures

For a long time Facebook censored the photos of women breastfeeding. A month ago, he announced that the photos of women breastfeeding would no longer be considered obscene and thanks to that change, beautiful photos begin to be seen on the well-known social network.

I've seen many, since then, but two photos have caught my attention and so, although I could put many more, I wanted to make an entry only with those two photos. For how they are, for the message, for what they show, for what they generate in who sees them, because in a way you could spend minutes, maybe hours, contemplating them and letting the mind fly to another part or another time.

The first one I want to talk about is this:

When I saw her on Facebook the first thing I did was comment and ask who uploaded her if she knew anything about her. I wanted to know who was the author of the photo, when it was made, if there is a story behind the photo. I didn't receive an answer, but I kept it because it seemed like an amazing photo.

Next to her were other pictures of women breastfeeding, also in black and white, from times gone by, so I deduced that it was a photo from a long time ago. However, the fact that the mother is naked from the waist up suggests that it is actually a more modern photo than it seems.

Come on, I can not say when it is, but once the doubt was over, since I had no answer, I decided to recreate with the image. In a way It reminded me of my childhood, my mother, all mothers. To all those women who had and have an enormous force, an energy that never ended and a motivation and intensity when it comes to taking care of us and caring for their babies who, when the forces measure, make use of love and love to continue ahead.

Because to me, at least, that is what this photo conveys to me: strength, power, unconditional love, the "mother there is only one", the power, the anger and the transformation that a woman undergoes when, if she does Missing, you have to protect your children.

The second photo is as follows:

It's from Ivette Ivens and I thought it was a beautiful picture of an intimate moment. However, I wanted to see the same as in the previous one, or rather, I wanted to find it, because I felt that I wanted to convey the same and in this case I did not find it. Maybe it's the mother's pose, maybe the position of her legs, maybe the posture in general, that doesn't seem too comfortable or maybe everything in general. He even transmitted a halo of sensuality that did not match what I was seeing.

Maybe the problem is mine? Yes, maybe yes, but it was influenced by the vision, a few days before, of the first photo, and this one seemed to me something else. In any case, the photo, I repeat, seems beautiful and worthy of being shared and commented, because a good time of visualization gives for much. For example, he wears a jacket that looks like wool and yet they are both naked: chance or do they want us to interpret something? Do the feet continue with the line that marks the legs for something, or is it simply the position that the mother adopted? Does she support her arms behind her to give the initiative to the baby and therefore she does not hug him or is there nothing like that and is all part of a position in which, in reality, it is intended to see a certain touch of sensuality?

I tell you so because I felt that way with both photos and because I hope that you (and you) tell me how you see it, how you see it. If they seem to you as beautiful as me and, above all, what each one of them transmits to you.

UPGRADE: Thanks to ktina's comment, we know that the first photo is of Sara Saukdová and that she calls it "Panenka Marie" (Virgin Mary).

Video: Children and the Kingdom of God, Part 1 Luke 18:15-17 (July 2024).